Absolutely delighted to be heading in to the New Year with the exciting news of a valuable addiction to our clinic. Catherine is a perfect fit for what we needed most, an experienced osteopath specialising in babies, children, pregnancy and women’s health.

Catherine qualified as an osteopath from the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in 2009. Her pioneering spirit led her back home to South Africa to practice osteopathy in a country where osteopathy is barely known. She built up a practice on her own in the capital city of Pretoria where she worked for 14 years while raising her 2 children.

Her practice served a diverse group of local as well as diplomatic & expat communities. Thus, her practice was a very successful family based practice where she served a cross- section of society with love and dedication, prioritising babies and pregnant mothers’, and family members on her waiting list.

Catherine has a particular interest in her own growth & development as a human being and thus practitioner. She has completed a variety of continued professional development courses so as to support her patients with an integrated well-being approach. She has special interests in paediatrics & pregnancy, trauma & emotional release, psycho-neuro immunology, myo-fascial patterns and general mental/physical/soul integration. She believes that their are great possibilities within healing when you as a practitioner support the activation of the patient’s nervous system towards integration and balance.

As life’s journey unfolds, her desire to reconnect with her Irish roots has led her to build a new life in Ireland with her family where she will continue to advance her growth as an osteopath while serving the Irish community with her compassionate approach to healing.

Call the clinic on 071 9128128 for an appointment with Catherine.